This was a journal entry I wrote when I was in Primary 3 in Ngee Ann Primary School . I always loved the lingering taste of chocolate in my mouth . So, I decided to do an Internet search about chocolate and write about the "history of chocolate" . I learnt that the first people to use chocolate were probably the Olmec , who lived in what was today's South East Mexico around 1,000 BC, and their word "Kakawa", gave us our word "cocao". But, the Maya , who inbabited the same general area a thousand years later from about 250 - 900 AD, were the first to use chocolate a lot. The cacao beans were used as a currency to buy items like rabbits and even slaves! The cacao beans was still used as currency in parts of Latin America until the 19th century! The Maya prepared chocolate strictly for drinking. Only the rich drank much chocolate. Emperors were even buried with jars of chocolate at their side! When the Aztecs conquered the Maya, they kept ...
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