From hunger pang to angry fight I only had myself to blame. The cool air from the full-blast air-conditioner caressed my cheeks as I strolled into the cinema. Finally, I had the opportunity to catch the much-awaited “The Lego Movie” with my mother. A whiff of happiness was in the air as I arrived at the counter to purchase some popcorn. In next to no time, a box of popcorn was in my hands. As cheery as a sunflower, I began sinking my teeth into the sweet popcorn. “Heavenly tasting popcorn,” I said to myself as I popped them in. At that juncture, a strong force barreled into my body. Falling onto the ground with a thunderous thud, I groaned in agony. Popcorn was strewn all over. Seething with anger, I got ba...
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