Following on from the essay, here are notes which I have made on how to craft clear, substantial sentences for English Literature essays. Checklist of writing point sentences: Introduction of quote in light of question; Purpose is to set in context of play background. Which character and which part of the play you are engaging with. § What just happened? § What will happen after the moment? Example: In the opening scene of the play, Tom asserts himself to be the “narrator of the the play”. Quotation, from the text ; should support the question. Analysis of the quote. Here, you have to engage with its meaning and literary devices used. Effect on audience; thinking how they will respond at the time when the play was released, and a modern-day audience. Reference to a critic, which might be appropriate only if it helps to answer the question, followed by your response to it. Here, you should also refer to the quotation again. Context, in terms of wi...
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