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An act of kindness | Essay for Primary School kids | Elijah Wee | Singapore

"An act of kindness", a essay I wrote earlier in Primary 4 (10 years old) ... 

         School was over.

         “Mountains and mountains of homework! Why do our teachers have to give us so much homework these days?” lamented Jason as he trudged home with heavy footsteps on the pavement. His schoolbag weighed like a ton of bricks. Jason felt that sooner or later he would collapse because of the heavy weight! Jason’s face was as glum as an oyster and he was not in the best of moods.

         However, Jason’s mood was soon destined to be changed.

         At that juncture, from the corner of his deep-set eyes, Jason spotted an old man hobbling past him. He was a tall shrivelled person who looked as though all body juices had been dried out of him long ago in a hot oven. On his feet, he wore worn-out leather shoes, which looked as though they had been patched up a million times. The old man had scanty white hair, a wrinkly face which was as pale as death. He used a walking stick and his steps were slow and unsteady. One look at him and you would feel he looked as old as the hills. The old man looked rather forlorn and emaciated as well. Why was he looking so lonely? Jason could not help feeling extremely curious about the old man.

         At that juncture, the old man slipped on a banana peel and landed onto the pavement with a thunderous thud. His walking stick came free of his grasp and fell onto the floor unforgivingly. Passers-by cast looks at the old man but did not bother to help him to his feet. Jason could even hear a passer-by muttering, “What an extremely clumsy old man?” Jason was rather taken aback by the unkind remarks. Should I help the old man or not?

         Before long, Jason made up his mind.

         Taking pity on the old man, Jason decided to be kind that fateful day. Knowing instinctively what he had to do, Jason helped the old man up and handed the old man’s walking stick back to him.

         Being touched by Jason’s act of kindness, tears welled up in the old man’s eyes. Soon, like a broken faucet, tears began streaming down like broken beads on the old man’s cheeks. “What’s wrong? Is there anything I can do to help you?” Jason asked. The old man replied that he had been abandoned by his son. Having little food and a small sum of money, the old man could only afford to rent a flat. “Everyone looked down on me. Even the average working man does not pity me at all,” the old man disclosed sadly.

         On hearing the old man’s plight, Jason decided to donate provisions to him before sending him back home. He also called the social welfare services if they could help him.

         The next day, during assembly, Jason’s name was announced by the principal. He was invited up on stage. Walking up the stage, many thoughts were racing through his mind. “What on earth is the principal calling me up for?” Jason thought silently as he walked up the stage with quickened steps.

         Walking up onto the stage, the principal announced, “We have received a report of this pupil,” pointing to me, “Jason Lee had lent a hand to an old man the previous day. You all should follow Jason’s fine example.” On hearing the principal’s praise him, Jason could not stop himself from gushing, Is this a dream or is it real? When Jason rubbed his eyes, he thought, “It is really true!” Pride glimmered in Jason’s eyes when he walked off the stage. Furthermore after that, the principal announced that they were going to start a charity to help needy people. On hearing the news, Jason felt as though he had won a race and emerged as the champion!

         From this day onwards, Jason vowed to help any needy people he had encountered. A smile was plastered on Jason’s face, as he walked off the stage and for the rest of the school day.

Have you experienced helping someone in need? It's a wonderful and fulfilling feeling, is it not?

More to come,
Elijah Wee, Singapore



  1. My teacher had shiwed it to my class before.Too much phrases.

  2. Lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol

  3. Cindy , are you a 10 year old? Please dont be negative, what I mean by negative is "do not accuse others of negative" .

  4. Lol I like how Cindy is so confident in her words thinking that her roasts are good. Honestly tho should you even count them as roasts?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. oops i just realised..there was an oxymoron in my comment..hehe


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