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Notes on how to write an essay in A2 English Literature

Following on from the essay, here are notes which I have made on how to craft clear, substantial sentences for English Literature essays. 

Checklist of writing point sentences:

Introduction of quote in light of question; Purpose is to set in context of play background. Which character and which part of the play you are engaging with.

ยง  What just happened?

ยง  What will happen after the moment?

Example: In the opening scene of the play, Tom asserts himself to be the โ€œnarrator of the the playโ€.

Quotation, from the text; should support the question.

Analysis of the quote. Here, you have to engage with its meaning and literary devices used. Effect on audience; thinking how they will respond at the time when the play was released, and a modern-day audience.

Reference to a critic, which might be appropriate only if it helps to answer the question, followed by your response to it. Here, you should also refer to the quotation again.

Context, in terms of wider issues and themes; Examples are political, historical and social issues

Revisit the question; a summary statement at the end of the question.

This can be evidenced in the candidateโ€™s essays in many different ways, of which some of the most common ones are:

(i)                  by appropriate use of critical or academic opinions

(ii)                by discussing how a specific type of reader or audience might respond, such as a Marxist reader

(iii)               by comparing possible responses from the writerโ€™s actual audience to those of, say, a modern audience

(iv)               by critical analysis of different possible meanings to specific words or phrases.

 Candidates should give a brief context when answering a passage option (b) question. It is important that candidates summarise briefly the textual context to any given passage before they begin their indepth critical analysis. This approach will enable them to consider the passage as part of the wider text and also to explain the significance of the passage in terms of the development of the key concerns in the text. This also will enable the candidate to link the individual points made in the close analysis of the detail of the passage to such ideas as the development of the plot, the methods of characterisation and any recurring themes or symbols. It is also a good way of revealing knowledge and understanding of the wider text.



Example from Glass Menagerie:

โ€˜Prisoners of their pasts.โ€™

In the light of this description, discuss some of the ways Williams presents characters in The Glass Menagerie.


Steps to planning:


1.      Highlighting key phrases from the qs. Look for phrases which look for:


ยท       Theme

ยท       Stagecraft techniques.

ยท       Quoted material should also be analysed, as they enable thinking of interpretations.(You can use it as a starting point for your own interpretation. )


Eg โ€œprisonersโ€ฆโ€


ยท       Someone who feels trapped

ยท       Someone who feels guilty

ยท       Someone who has committed a crime.




ยท       Memories


Putting both together: The characters are trapped and restricted by their own memories, and so experience negative emotions with regards to their past.


You can use this to think eg about characters.


2.      Looking at the main question.


1.       โ€œIn the lightโ€ฆโ€ It is instructing you to engage with what โ€œprisonersโ€ฆโ€ actually means.


โ€œsome of the waysโ€= Williamโ€™s methods. (At this stage, remember to look at list of dramatic stage techniques



Example of a good structure paragraph:

In the opening scene, โ€œAmandaโ€™s voice becomes audible through the portieresโ€, which occurs simultaneously with the โ€œLegend on screen: โ€˜Ou sont les neiges?โ€. This sentence is quoted from โ€œThe Ballad of Dead Ladiesโ€, which is by the medieval French poet Francois Villon and translates as โ€œWhere are the snows of yesteryear?โ€ This is a lighting device which bears the image on a section of wall between the front room and the dining room areas. Snow carries connotations of fragile, fleeting beauty, connecting with Amandaโ€™s romantic vision of the past. Bert Cardullo in The blue Rose of St Louis: Laura, Romanticism and The Glass Menagerie(Italics for one book)states that โ€œVillon uses snow here as a symbol of worldly lifeโ€™s evanescence [โ€ฆ] its inevitably lost innocence or tarnished purity.โ€(Only put in one quote and analyse the critical view)  This suggests that Amanda is attempting to recreate the glories of her past, which carries the pathos of lost innocence because she later seemingly becomes self-centered in attempting to maintain such vain memories. The image is projected just as the audience hears Amanda for the first time, prompting the audience to associate a tone of yearning for the past with Amanda. Thus Williams could be suggesting that Amanda cannot free herself from her past, which makes her, by some interpretations, a prisoner.

Pointers for writing extracts (11th September 2020):

 In summary: 

For analysing extracts(method):


1.    Question

2.    Context

3.    Look at extract chronologically and identify quotes

4.    Connect quotes to themes and narrative methods.

PPoints specific to Shakespeare extracts:

Writing longer extracts for general is more appropriate, but write a more focused analysis n the extract.

โ€œIn this extract from Richard IIโ€ฆ.โ€ Writing more immediately


Connotations is more to do with meaning of words, and intonations is more for voice and tone.


Dramatic function

Does Shakespeare tries to create moments of tension and dramatic irony before some characters come in, and how do these change after some other characters ever?


How do other characters build up or weaken suspense for the audience to see and hear?


Do not work with costume and lighting for shakespeare, as thot is not mentioned and it is wasting time


Be careful not to have too much crossing outs, as it makes the essay muddled for the examiner. Plan ahead to ensure this does not happen.


Think of Shakespeare as the writer and how he seeks to presents his charactersโ€ฆ


Eg Shakespeare uses personificationโ€ฆ


In other places, Shakespeare presents Richard asโ€ฆ..


Shakespeare places Richard and the Queen together on stage(how he places the characters together on stage)


How does Shakespeare manipulate the course of the dialogue?


Characters come secondary to his intentions; leading with Shakespeareโ€™s actions and his intent first, and also his stagecraft first before going on about characters and analysing their words, in second half of the paragraph


Use literal evidence to shape your argument, taking key words out from them and inserting them in your point statements; do not focus too much on them,



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